Endurance Workout 1

clean and press

This endurance workout will get your heart rate up and work your whole body pretty quickly. It’s only 2 exercises.

2 sets of 15 reps Barbell Clean & Presses(C&P)
1 set of 25 Push-ups any style

Pick a weight that will allow you to do 15 reps on the C&P. We aren’t trying to build strength here but we also don’t want it to be too easy. What we want is for our muscles to do their job and get that heart rate up. I used 50 pounds.

On the push-ups, you want to feel your muscles start to either burn or get a slight pump. Pick a push-up variation (ex. on knees) that will allow you to get to 25. If the C&P didn’t exhaust you, your weight might have been too light.


photo credit: kurt_eh