Workout Wed 7-11-2012


Today my shoulders didn’t feel that strong so I used a 20 lb. kettle bell to do C&P and then did my dead lifts. I was able to up my weight by 2 lbs. and not feel that it was too heavy. It’s funny. I remember when I was in my 20’s 81 lbs. didn’t feel this heavy.


8 partial pull ups
6 half pullups
5 half pull ups
10 second bar hang with both arms and feet on floor
10 body weight squats
10 pushups on knees
1 arm hang (8 seconds)
1 arm hang ( 20 seconds, using towel for grip, with feet on floor)

using 20# kettle bell (each arm)
5 C&P
5 hi-pulls
5 snatches

Dead lifts
1 set of 3 reps 43#
1 set of 3 reps 53#
1 set of 3 reps 69#
1 set of 3 reps 79#
1 set of 3 reps 81#

I think I won’t do my pull-ups right before dead lifts anymore. I felt that my biceps were a bit tired and the biceps do get used a tiny bit during the dead lift. Not much, but they are used to keep your arms together 🙂

Hoping to hit the pool tomorrow and do some laps using the combat side stroke.


photo credit: travelingmcmahans