How To Do Rifle Jacks

how to do rifle jacks

One of the exercises I had to do in boot camp were Rifle Jacks. I was on the drill team so I had to practice pretty much every day. Rifle Jacks are another way of doing jumping jacks, using your rifle as added weight.

Now, since a lot of you won’t have a rifle at home, you can either imagine you are holding one, use a broom stick, or maybe even use just the bar of a standard barbell.

Our drill rifles averaged around 15 pounds. So, a standard barbell should be around that weight as well. An Olympic barbell would be way to heavy, as those weigh on average 45 pounds.

How to do a Rifle Jack

  1. Start off with your feet together and the rifle at chest height.
  2. Next, jump your legs apart and at the same time push the rifle out in front of you.
  3. Jump back to the starting position by bringing your legs back together and bringing the rifle back to your chest.
  4. Now, jump your legs apart and and at the same time push the rifle up in the air overhead.
  5. Finally, jump back to the starting position again.

The way you would normally count these is in a 3 count manner. Some prefer to call them 4 counts, but I call them 3 counts. For a better explanation of 3 counts, take a look at my post How to do 3 counts.

Now that you have the explanation, see the photo at the beginning of the article on how to do a Rifle Jack.

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