I want to workout and get in shape, but I just can’t find the time.

Maybe you want to workout to get in shape, lose weight, gain endurance or get stronger. But when you try to, you just can’t stick with it or you just can’t find the time.

Think you don’t have time to workout? I say you do. If your life is too busy to fit in 30 minutes to an hour of exercise, like the world tells us to, then don’t. Instead do small 1 minute workouts spread out throughout the day. If you do an intense exercise, you may find that 1 minute is all you need.

Another option is to do some exercises before you go to bed or when you wake up. Some people, if they workout before they go to bed, find it hard to go to sleep. If that’s you, just make sure you leave some time in between the workout and when you actually go to sleep. One hour should be sufficient, but everyone is different so play around and see what works for you. But years ago plenty of people would do some calisthenics right after waking and right before going to sleep.

Some options were pushups, pull-ups, situps, squats, and jumping jacks. The key is not to do a crazy amount or work up a sweat. Even if you are capable of doing 50 pushups in a row, just do 10 or 15. If you do 15 pushups everyday in the morning and evening; that’s 30 pushups everyday. That’s 210 pushups a week and you didn’t even break a sweat.

Let’s call that your bare minimum exercise. If you get a free minute somewhere else add in some other exercises.

The morning and evening exercises shouldn’t even take you 5 minutes. I include a simple morning and evening daily workout plan in the bonus report called the AM/PM daily minimum, included with The Jumble Bundle.