Why Do I Swim For So Long, If I Am Against Long Boring Workouts?

girl in bikini looking bored

If you’ve ever noticed in my weekly log, when I go to the pool I end up swimming for 1-2 hours. Why? Because I love the pool. I look forward to it all week. If for some reason I end up not going I can’t wait until the next time.

Even when I’m in the pool for a long time I end up having to force myself to leave. After all, all that chlorine wrecks havoc on my skin. Another reason I force myself out is if I keep going, my body will be fatigued for quite awhile.

I still want to be able to do other things and not feel fatigued for days. But if I didn’t force myself, I would probably be in there all day. So, I don’t find it boring and I enjoy it. It’s also a low impact exercise and doesn’t cause a lot of shock to the joints like running does.

I couldn’t ever imagine running for 1-2 hours straight. That wouldn’t be fun to me at all. That’s the key right there. Find something that you really enjoy. This way you’ll be able to stick with it and not even see it as work.

Don’t forget to take some time off from it either. This will allow you to not get tired of it and actually miss it. Each person has a certain level of frequency. If I swam three times a week, I might get sick of it and start to see it as work, but since I only swim once a week, I look forward to the next time.

I also take the summers off from the pool; they’re way too crowded and adult swim is way too early. Instead I start fast running. This alternating between seasons keeps me from getting bored of either one. It works for me and I like it.