End to the 30 day snatch experiment

Well, I took on this experiment to find out if performing twenty snatches per day and not changing any thing else would cause any sort of weight loss. The results are in.

Unfortunately, I did not lose any weight performing snatches this way. I do feel as though my endurance has increased slightly due to the additional workload. One thing I did notice is that while doing the biceps curl experiment, my biceps always seemed to get their burn on.

Every time I approached ten reps, my biceps would cry out. It’s very well possible that’s what caused me to lose weight during that experiment. The Burn is caused by lactic acid build up which is produced by the muscles burning glycogen for energy. That would mean that those glycogen reserves had to be restored.

Snatches never caused any of my muscles to burn. Maybe if I performed more of them, then I would see a difference. But that would’ve went beyond the scope of the experiment.

Hmm. Maybe it’s time to test my muscles out for the burn and see. I know my legs don’t burn that quickly. My chest and back also don’t burn that quickly, but my triceps do. Maybe I’ll burn those bad boys just to see what happens to my weight.