How I Apply Newton’s First Law To Exercise

Newton’s first law states: An object in motion tends to stay in motion and an object at rest tends to stay at rest.

You know what I like about quick workouts like my 1 minute workouts? The fact that they are quick. In my mind I only need to do the workout for 1 minute. If I mix them up and stack them, maybe 10 minutes. This makes it easier to get moving.

When I think about the fact that I need to get up and exercise for 45 minutes to an hour, I really don’t want to. However, if I only need to get up for a few minutes, it’s a lot easier for me to get started. And there’s the kicker. If I don’t feel like doing any more then I stop, but here’s the kicker. Once I get started, I keep going– just like Newton stated.

I’ve had days when I don’t feel like working out and force myself to just do that 1 minute. And once I’m done with the minute, my heart rate is up, my joints are lubed up and I don’t want to stop. I want to keep moving. If I do keep moving, I don’t set any type of time target. Instead I keep going until I feel like stopping. Once, I even kept going for 1 hour without even realizing it. That type of thing usually only happens with some sort of strength workout since training for strength is more like intervals and the minutes tick by faster since there are resting periods built in between sets.

So in conclusion. sitting on the couch makes us want to keep sitting on the couch. But moving for just a small period of time might just make it easier to workout a little bit longer.