Do You Hate Vegetables? 3 Tips That Make Eating Vegetables Easier

Growing up I didn’t like vegetables. I couldn’t be forced to eat broccoli. I would even strip my burger of the lettuce and tomato that would come on top. Broccoli was a punishment if there ever was one. I rather be spanked or sent to my room with no television or video games than eat those stinking vegetables.

It never came to that of course, because I was “lucky.” My mom didn’t like many vegetables either. Now there was one thing I would eat and my sis never understood how I could eat it. What was it? Sauerkraut. Of course it had to come attached to a hot dog. It just made the dog taste so much better.

Anywho, as time went by all the healthy eaters I knew and all the magazines and books all said the same thing, eat healthy. And what did eat healthy include? That’s right vegetables. So I tried to eat my veggies. It started with the help of my sister. She would give me a piece of tomato here, a piece of lettuce there and before I knew it I would taste anything once. If I liked it I added it to my grocery list. If I didn’t, well… I didn’t.

So that leads me to my first tip.

Try everything once

I finally came to the realization that I didn’t know if I liked something until I tried it. One bite is all it takes. Would you believe when I first tried broccoli I didn’t like the taste? And now I love it. Which leads me to tip number two.

Season your vegetables

I find it interesting how many recipes there are to cook chicken. And how about beef? There are seasonings, marinades and different ways to cook it like fried, roasted, baked and broiled. But when it comes to vegetables most people just steam it. I’m all for steaming, since the general consensus says this protects the vitamins and minerals from leeching out.

But vegetables can also taste very bland this way. Next time you make some vegetables, try cooking them differently. How about frying them up in some butter. Maybe roast them and pour some melted butter on them for the last few minutes. Or just add a little bit of salt and pepper to them. The options are limitless. Oh, and I’m all for pouring cheese on broccoli if that’s your thing. The way I see it, it’s better to eat the broccoli than not to.

Cut back on sugar and sweets

I used to eat a whole bunch of candy. I also used to easily go through at least a 2 liter bottle of soda a day if not more. I found that taking in so many sugary products desensitized me to the actual sweetness of fruits and vegetables. Even now, I’ll smash a craving by eating candy and then I might drink some soda. The soda doesn’t taste as sweet after eating candy.

Then when I eat vegetables, they don’t taste sweet at all. Take spinach for example. After eating candy, spinach will taste yucky. I’m talking about raw, fresh spinach. Cut out candy, soda, cupcakes and any other sugar sweets for a month and then eat spinach again. Believe it or not, it will have a sweet taste to it. Especially the organic variety. I can now eat fresh, raw broccoli without cooking it and it will taste sweet. By cutting out the excessively sweetened products, my tastes buds reset and became sensitive to the sugars naturally occurring on plant life.

Try out these three tips and add more vegetables into your diet without having to force yourself to eat them. Also, if you don’t like the taste of something, even after doing these things, the choice is up to you whether you eat it or not. I for one hate the taste of asparagus and refuse to eat it.

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