If you only had 12 minutes to work out, what would you do?


Let’s say you only had 12 minutes to workout. What would you do for those 12 minutes? Would you hop on the treadmill and jog? Would you go for a walk? Would you lift weights? I myself would try and work as many muscles as I could.I would also try and get in some sort of endurance work. One workout, that I do, can build fitness (strength and endurance) and will only take you 12 minutes, including rest time. You can also take this setup and change the exercises every set to get more benefits and to also prevent boredom.

You can also do a 3 minute set of bodyweight work and then a 3 minute set of weights. Another way is to do 1 round of 20 seconds using a bodyweight exercise. Then the next 20 seconds of work, use a weight lifting exercise and keep alternating.

The tabata protocol requires us to do 20 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest. Then repeat that for 8 rounds. That ends up totaling 4 minutes. In this setup, only do 6 rounds. Then rest 1 minute and repeat the 6 rounds, 2 more times.

The break down (20 sec work/10 sec rest)

20 sec: Alternating Side lunges
10 sec: Rest
20 sec: Push-ups
10 sec: Rest
20 sec: Side bends
10 sec: Rest
20 sec: Seal Bends
10 sec: Rest
20 sec: Windshield Wipers
10 sec: Rest
20 sec: Squats
10 sec: Rest
(total 3 minutes)
rest 1 minute and repeat 2 more times for a total of 12 minutes.

Try this as a 3 times a week workout.


Photo credit: Timer