Why didn’t I lose weight when I stopped drinking soda?

losing weight

I’ve read plenty of stories on the net and have even seen it on TV. People lose weight when they stop drinking soda. There’s even one of those commercials for a women’s diet pill.

The woman says her husband stopped drinking soda and he lost like 10 lbs, she stopped and lost only 1. Aside from the occasional can of soda, approximately once every few months and on holidays, I kicked the habit almost three years ago and I haven’t lost weight.

Now, I also do strength work so it’s possible that I have gained muscle and lost fat. That would mean that the scale wouldn’t move much, since muscle weighs more than fat.

But I also check measurements with a measuring tape once in a while. And to be honest, those measurements haven’t really changed much. I do however, notice that if I rub my hand over certain parts of my body, I feel new muscle curves(cuts)that weren’t there before.

Like on my arm, I’ll feel hills and valleys from the shoulder and triceps. I also feel lots of new cuts on my thigh muscles and forearms, so I’m sure I’m losing fat and gaining muscles in those areas. The big one that doesn’t seem to move is my waist line.

I’m not really trying to lose weight, but since I eat mostly healthy, according to what I read, when I stopped drinking soda I should’ve lost weight.

While I agree that soda isn’t good for me, I don’t believe it makes me gain weight. If it was such a bad culprit in my life, shouldn’t I have lost a bunch of weight?


Photo credit: weight scale