The 1 Minute Review: The Warrior Diet

I read the warrior diet and I even tried it for a few days. Why only a few days? Because I always found myself insatiable. The concept is to under eat during the day. Not fast. This means you are supposed to eat fruits, vegetables, salads; basically “good for you” foods. Then in the evening, have an eating window where you over feed and eat most of your calories for the day.

It kind of makes sense to me. I don’t know about you, but if I eat a huge meal in the morning or for lunch, I tend to slow down. After all digestion does require a lot of energy. Since I don’t want to slow down I tend to eat smaller meals during the day and by smaller I mean smaller portions.

So maybe I was already doing something similar to what the warrior diet was already preaching and then I cut my intake too much. But when the evening over feeding stage came, I couldn’t get enough. I felt very hungry during the window and ended up eating way too many calories. More than I would have eaten if I ate four meals a day. I’m reading more and more books on intermittent fasting, and have tried that too. Yes, I had a crazy amount of energy while fasting, but when it came time to eat I couldn’t get enough.

The survival mechanism says “hey, you’ve found food, eat as much as you can. We may not have food again for awhile.” Unfortunately that’s not the case. I will have food again soon. But my body is still telling me to keep eating. So far the best way for me to eat has been four meals a day.

It does become a chore after awhile though, but I’m never hungry between meals and I always feel satisfied when I’m done.And after a few days I actually end up eating less for a day or two.

Do I think the warrior diet is worth a shot? Perhaps. It depends on if you’re able to become satiated during the overfeeding stage. If you’re body keeps asking for food then you might end up eating way too much and actually gain weight.

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