WOD # 72 Friday

Kettlebell Swings

20 two arm swings
march in place for 30 seconds

Repeat 3 more times

WOD # 71 Thursday

Kettlebell/Dumbbell (single arm)

5 swings
5 snatches
5 clean and press
Switch arms and repeat from the beginning.

Complete a total of 3 circuits per arm.

WOD # 70 Wednesday

Running intervals

Start off with a light warm-up, walk for 2 minutes. Then do a light, slow jog for another 2 minutes.

Run at a faster speed for 100m
walk for 100m
Run at a faster speed for 100m
walk for 100m
Run at a faster speed for 100m
walk for 100m
Run at a faster speed for 100m
walk for 100m

WOD # 69 Tuesday

Bodyweight Squats
2 sets of 20 reps

Wall Push-ups
2 sets of 20

Hi Bar Australian Pull-ups
2 sets of 20

The push-ups and pull-ups are the same amount of reps. Try to be able to push what you can pull and vice versa.

WOD # 68 Monday

Barbell C&P ( use a weight that you find easy. I’ll use 45 #)
5 sets of 5 reps

Pull-up Pyramids

Push-up Ladders
Repeat 5 times

WOD # 65 Friday


fse fitness workout of the day

Friday’s workout of the day will be a strength workout, only 2 exercises will be used. The deadlift and the military press.

Pick a weight that you can do for 10 reps. We will use that weight for the final work set. For the 2 warm-up sets use 50% of that weight for the first one and then 75% of it for the second one. We will then only do 7 reps with it.

Read more >>>WOD # 65 Friday

WOD # 64 Thursday

FSEfitness WODThurday’s workout of the day will be a full on calisthenic workout. Very simple, but very effective.

Do a light warm up for 5 minutes before beginning the circuit. a small number of jumping jacks, running in place, shoulder rotations and some body squats should do it.

Read more >>>WOD # 64 Thursday