Warrior Workout Sunday 7-15-2012

bo staff drills

Today’s workout was simple, but I found it to be fun. I based it on doing warrior type movements. The time flew by and when I was done, I was covered in sweat. I will probably end up doing this more during the week, minus the push-ups and pull-ups.

You can imagine that you are using your sledgehammer in battle while doing shovel-glove. For sword movements, I use a stick ball bat I bought at the sporting goods store for $8. My BO staff is just an old mop handle. You know, the one’s used on the industrial mops. It’s pretty solid.

10 minutes of shovel-glove
10 minutes of bo staff and sword movements
3 sets of 3 close grip push-ups
3 sets of 3 pull-ups
6 partial pull-ups (top part)


photo credit: scottfeldstein