Workout Tuesday 7-17-2012

tire pull workout

Today’s workout of the day was a blend of a few things, plus a long walk. It was hot so I really felt that walk, but the day was still beautiful. This workout takes around 15 minutes, not counting the walk.

1. Walk: 3 miles

2. Circuit: 10 seconds rest between exercises

10 push-ups
10 Australian pull-ups
10 side lunges
10 front lunges
10 short bridges
10 lying leg lifts
10 standing twists (hands on head)

3. Squat thrusts

5 reps
rest 10 seconds
repeat 5 more times

4. 5 minutes of kickboxing (various punches, kicks, knees)

5. Towel climbs (for grip)

10 reps


phot credit: tire pull