Workout Wed 6-27-2012

As usual, once I get out of bed I do my body rotations. I never load the spine until at least being up and about for an hour. I don’t remember where I read that, but it said it wasn’t good to add weight onto the spine until at least an hour after waking.

I feel the strongest after at around 1pm, so if I can that’s when I like to lift weights. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to workout at 1 and ended up lifting at 6pm. This is what I did:

Barbell Clean & Press (C&P) rest 1 minute between sets
1x3reps 33lbs
1x3reps 43lbs
1x3reps 53lbs
1x3reps 63lbs
1x3reps 69lbs

rest 2 minutes before moving to deadlift

1×7 79lbs

I always do 5 sets on the clean and press. This gives me a good warmup since it warms up all the muscles used, until I get to the final weight on the last set or 2. The C&P also gives a good warmup for the deadlift since the beginning of the movement is similar, so I don’t feel like I need to warmup up the deadlift. If the weights were alot further apart then I might.

The reason I did 7 reps on the deadlift instead of 3 is because I wanted to see if I was ready to increase the weight soon. I got to the 3rd rep and said, ” let me see if I can do 5″. Then I got to 5 and said ” Let me see if I cn do 7″. I got to 7 and almost kept going, but I stopped because I didn’t want to tire out and go for endurance. Deadlifts do take a lot out of you and I wanted to leave strength in the bank.