WOD # 49 Wednesday


fse fitness workout of the day

Wednesday’s WOD will be a mix of 1 workout band tabata interval, 1 combat movements interval, and 1 isometric rope circuit.  For the workout bands I will be using my Bodylastic bands and for the rope I use some clothes line I had lying around.

I had bought it at the 99¢ store around last year. You could also use whatever rope you have lying around or paracord. Just be safe and make sure it’s strong enough to resist breakage.

Measure out around 8 feet of rope and then tie the two ends together using a square knot.The workout band should be a light one. I used the 13# one. You want to go for power, so it should be light. Do the reps as fast as you can. I place the anchor high on the door for the bands and then move it to about chest height for the isometrics.

For the isometric rope circuit, hold the position for 10 seconds. Start off with light force and then apply more. Don’t go all monster and try to break the rope. Only apply as much force as you feel comfortable with. No rest between exercises.

Push/Pull/Legs with Bands
(set interval timer for 8 rounds, 20 sec. work, 10 sec. rest)

1. Lat pull downs( like a pull-up)
2. Standing rows
3. Straight arm pull downs
4. Chest press
5. Left arm flys
6. Right arm flys
7. Body weight Power Squats (push up so that your heals come off the ground. Almost like you are about to jump, but keep toes grounded.)
8. Side lunge twists

Isometric Rope Circuit

Pull-up position top
Pull-up position bottom
Pull-up position middle
Standing rows position top
Standing rows position bottom
Standing rows position middle
Right arm punch – arm extended
Right arm punch – arm midway
Left arm punch – arm extended
Right arm punch – arm midway
Left arm chest fly – arm at beginning position
Left arm chest fly – arm at ending position
Right arm chest fly – arm at beginning position
Right arm chest fly – arm at ending position

Combat Tabata interval
(set interval timer for 8 rounds, 20 sec. work, 10 sec. rest)
Alternate between right and left side every rep

1. Low side Kicks
2. Jab/Cross
3. Side shuffles
4. Knee raises
5. Hooks
6. Uppercuts
7. Low front kicks
8. Imaginary jump rope