At Sea Navy Workout

john c stennis aircraft carrier

john c stennis aircraft carrier

Back when I was in the Navy I had the good fortune of being on an aircraft carrier. The carrier had a small gym on the hangar bay. For those of you that don’t know what a hangar bay is, it’s the level right below the flight deck where they keep the planes.

Read more >>>At Sea Navy Workout

Pull ups on a bar or a ledge

climbing ledge

climbing ledge

Which is better, Pull ups on a bar or a ledge?

The other day I did my Australian pull-ups on a ledge and also did some pull-ups and a half pull-up static hold.  I did more sets and reps than I normally do. Well I guess my forearms weren’t used to that because pretty soon they were sore and weak. Sore I could accept, but the weak part caught me by surprise.

Read more >>>Pull ups on a bar or a ledge

Just 3 exercises

soldiers push ups

soldiers push ups

Just 3 exercises are needed to get fit? Yes only 3 exercises are needed to get fit. It’s so simple most people won’t believe it. The 3 exercises are push ups, bodyweight rows (australian pullups) and squat thrusts.

Using these 3 exercises will work every major muscle group in the body as well as give you a great endurance workout.

Read more >>>Just 3 exercises

Why I like shovelglove

Sledge hammer statue

Sledge hammer statue

I have a tendency to get bored really quick, so I like to mix up my workouts all the time. But if you take a closer look they may be different, but most exercises do repeat themselves. I had been doing some reading and came across people who train with sledgehammers. A lot of them swear by taking a sledgehammer and hitting a large truck tire.

Read more >>>Why I like shovelglove