WOD # 53 Sunday

fse fitness workout of the day

In order to help recovery, flush the muscles and get some blood flowing, Sunday’s workout of the day will be done with a light dumbbell. Even though it’s a light weight and quick, it will still give you a workout.

Perform all the exercises back to back. Switch arms after every set when the exercise is a one armed one. For example, DB C&P – do 5 reps on one arm and then 5 reps with the other before going on to snatches. After you finish one circuit, rest, only if you need to, and then do the circuit 1-2 more times.

Perform as a circuit

5 Goblet squats
5 DB clean and press
5 DB snatch
5 DB upright rows
5 Hi-pulls
Rest 1 minute if needed, if not start over and keep going
Repeat 1-2 more times