WOD # 87

Today I felt like I needed a slight change in protocol. So I did a blend of different things to get the blood pumping. It still only took me about 20 minutes to do and I felt energized afterwards.

20 Body weight squats
10 fingertip push-ups on wall

3 sets x 5 reps Dumbbell clean and presses
1 set x 8 reps  Dumbbell floor chest press
1 set x 8 reps  Dumbbell Bicep Hammer curls
1 set x 8 reps  Tricep wall presses
1 set x 8 reps  Ab in & Outs in a chair
1 set x 8 reps Dumbbell weighted calf raises
2 rounds of 1,2,3 rep ladders Single leg squat to chair

Swings with a 30# T-Bar

Reps= 20, 15, 15, 10, 10 ,10

As a cool down i did some mobility work, rotating all the joints.

Total time: 20 minutes