Why I like shovelglove

Sledge hammer statue

Sledge hammer statue

I have a tendency to get bored really quick, so I like to mix up my workouts all the time. But if you take a closer look they may be different, but most exercises do repeat themselves. I had been doing some reading and came across people who train with sledgehammers. A lot of them swear by taking a sledgehammer and hitting a large truck tire.

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Workout Thurs 7-5-2012

After yesterdays pushups I made today a walking/ light cardio day. I walked 3 miles in 95 degree weather again. I’m really starting to adapt to the heat. I didn’t even need to take a drink of water. Of course when I was done I drank. I then did some light cardio consisting of:

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Workout Wed 7-4-2012

soldier pushups

soldier pushups

Happy 4th of July!!:)

Today I did some sporadic exercises throughout the day. I felt my shoulders needed some rest today so I took it easy. I walked 3 miles in 95 degree weather. Holy crap was it hot. I would’ve kept walking, but the heat and sweat was just too annoying.

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Workout Tuesday 7-3-2012

As I’ve been keeping track of my workouts on this blog I’ve come to a realization. I’m not really working out as much as I thought I was. I still believe in FSE and don’t personally like or believe in long cardio. If a workout takes longer than 20 minutes I get bored, too tired and then want to eat the entire fridge. It’s like the hunger can’t be satisfied. So I keep it short and workout more frequently. I’m going to try and do more sporadic exercises throughout the day from now on.

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Workout Monday 7-2-2012

Today I went ahead and did deadlifts and clean & presses. It was early in the week though and I didn’t feel that strong. Normally I wait a full week before doing these again, and I did them last Thursday. Either way, my workout was the same.

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Sunday 7-1-2012

Rest day

I took today off except for doing my daily body rotations and then1 pullup as I passed the pullup bar. I did do a bunch of walking in the mall. It probably equalled 3-4 miles in all. I definitely feel good and am ready to do my C&P and deadlift tomorrow.