WOD Sunday 8-5-2012 / Yoga Undressed Review

workout of the day

Sunday’s workout of the day will be 1 hour of yoga. I follow along with the Yoga Undressed DVD. While I find most yoga DVDs kind of boring, this one was able to keep my attention.

yoga-undressed-beginnerThe woman that is demonstrating the poses is very beautiful. She is also nude, hence the title. The DVD is approximately 1 hour long and will give you a good beginner workout.

I don’t normally do yoga and just started by using this video. The DVD is aimed at women, “the goddess within”, but will hold men’s attention when other yoga DVDs won’t.

The woman narrating has a calming and relaxing voice, making the directions easy to follow. The beginner DVD covers basic yoga poses as well as a balancing portion.

I wasn’t that flexible in some of the poses, but I’m sure it will get better over time. I did feel that some of my weak areas were worked thoroughly and know they will get stronger over time.

Warning: nudity
To watch an excerpt: Click here